Thursday, August 7, 2008

Oh Life

Life is strange.. how it gives highs and lows at the same time..

Today for example,

  • I was felicitated by the vice chancellor of our university for my achievements. - high point
  • Our own director mis pronounced my name as 'Amol' and it was so humiliating, especially in front of everyone in IBB and in front of press - low point
  • I was happy cuz my photo is gonna appear in the papers tomorrow along with two other guys from my class - high point
  • When i went to make copies of their photos, i made someone wait and she got upset - low point
  • Everyone at home is very happy and proud of me - high point
  • I just realized that i m of no importance to a person who i thought was the closest to me - low point
  • Tomorrow, many people are gonna call me to congratulate and tell me that they are proud of me - high point
  • The entire thing is ruined for me as i have realized that i m a nobody - low point

How am i supposed to feel, please someone tell me...

i am feeling extremely humiliated and un-important.. the only person i thought who actually cared for me, i know that its not the case anymore.. nobody told me "its alright, such things happen.. dont be humiliated, its jus a mispronunciation.. everyone knew that it was you, your achievements.. dont let your joy be spoiled bcuz of the mistake".. my humiliation means nothing to anyone.. i dont blame them at all.. y shud anyone else care about wot i m feeling? i am the sole master of my feelings...

I am feeling happy too.. i was finally recognized as someone who had achieved something... i am proud of myself... my parents are very proud of me.. I feel that finally i accomplished something..

tell me, what exactly should i feel??

oh life.. please dont make this road a rollercoaster ride... i knw i have to endure good and bad...
but atleast dont leave me confused like i was today...

I will take wotever comes my way with my arms wide open... but if i dont know wot i embrace, that leaves me empty handed nevertheless..