Friday, July 23, 2010


You vanish everytime i reach out, giving just a faint glimpse
Just like the brush of lips before a fleeting kiss
Every glance i try to steal, further you move away, but i look everywhere
Every hint i send, you defy it, but i know you are there somewhere
Oh ever-evading one, please have mercy and show thyself,
So that i can connect and log-in myself

This is a poem inspired by the flaky wi-fi at Dubai airport.


Vaidyamitra said...

Good one!!!!

Vaidyamitra said...

Good one !!!

Unknown said...

Khup chan uttam kavi zalas accurate varnan ahe i am proud of you my boy

Scarecrow said...

hahaha... good one!

Scarecrow said...

HAHAHA.. good one!

Unknown said...

reminds me of our "ab toh adat si hai mujko..." from when rah and santya were in the hospital

Unknown said...

i was almost starting to like the poem when u just blew it! hilarious!! good one